Frequently asked questions

01.What is SocialPay?
02.How to register?
03.How do I log in?
04.What is a Social pin?
05.What if I send money to the wrong phone number?
06.How can I increase the transaction limit?
07.How to unblock my Social PIN and recover my PIN code?
08.What is in the loyalty menu?
09.How to change my phone number and main account?
10.How to view my account statement and recent transaction details?
11.Is there a transaction limit for sending invoices?
12.How many people can I send an invoice to?
13.Is it necessary to have the recipient's information saved when transferring money using their phone number?
14.Can I transfer money if I know the other person's account number?
15.Can someone else access my account if I lose my phone?
16.Can a foreign citizen register online?
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